Chelsea Tewell

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since Aug 14, 2019
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Recent posts by Chelsea Tewell

I haven’t built anything yet. This was very tentative research for far in the future. I’m still 5-10 years out from building our property
3 years ago
Yes I have seen the greenhouse in snow but he's in zone 5a so I wasn't sure if I'd get the same results
5 years ago
Making plans for our eventual forever homestead. We're looking into moving to Montana (zone 3 most likely). I would love to be able to grow certain plants that only grow in zones 8-11. Pineapple, banana, tumeric, citrus, aloe vera etc

Can I accomplish this with one of these greenhouse methods? Im not necessarily opposed to heating it with a rocket mass heater in the dead of winter if needed. Obviously it would be better if I didn't have to heat it.

What if I wanted to grow plants that grow in zones 7-4? Would I need a different greenhouse or is there a way to make 'zones' inside one greenhouse? Some of these plants would be perennials so they have to survive the winter.

And last if I could be pointed towards materials about this topic that would be great!
5 years ago