Divina Alvarado

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since Sep 03, 2019
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Recent posts by Divina Alvarado

That was great! And great youtube channel.  Thanks for sharing.
4 years ago
Hi.  I just moved to the Orlando, Florida area and am seeking homesteaders and any possibilities of living at an intentional community and/or doing work-exchange.  Anyone out here?  Also looking for local raw milkers to connect with.
4 years ago
We all just want to be seen.  Thanks for sharing this.
5 years ago
Hello.  I'm in a transition period of my life and welcome an opportunity like this.  I am a single, 49 year old healthy woman.  I am very spiritual and resonate with indigenous cultures' belief systems.  I lived on the East Coast my whole life until 2012 when I moved to California. I attend many pow wows during those years.
Then last year I moved with my adult daughter to Hawaii.  She has since moved back to the DC area. Since being here, I've volunteered and work traded on a few properties.  I'm here until the time is up, whenever creator deems that to be appropriate. Meanwhile I've been learning some non-violent activism from the indigenous Hawaiians.   I'm alone and hoping to find my next opportunity for the next phase of my life.   Would love to communicate more if this opportunity is still available.  Mahalo.
5 years ago