António Vasconcelos

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since Sep 24, 2019
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Recent posts by António Vasconcelos

Jeroen Nagtegaal wrote:About 2 years ago, we bought 2 muzzles from Winebaa to try in our vineyard. Unfortunately, they were too big to fit well, so we don't have a good idea if they could work. David promised they would soon make smaller models. But upon asking for them there was no way to get into contact anymore.
Do you know of any alternative product, Antonio?

The concept is great.

The concept is great and I've tried to find something similar without success. I've tried to contact Robert and without success...and they keep my money without shipping my order of 10 units...
4 years ago

Hubertus Lenders wrote:The Winebaa was a promissing device and David sounded a serious business Partner. We bought 30 Winebaas and tried them, and in communication with David addapted them but it just did not work. Our sheep learned within a half a day how to trick the WineBaa and ate the grapes. The just tipped it in the air and could eat what ever the wanted. So I decided to send them back and David told me that he would give a total refund. When I asked more specific who was going to pay the return from Portugal to Australia I did not anymore get an answer from him. He just avaporated from the internet and did not answer his mail. I pais in total €800.00 and the Winebaa's are laying in a box. For someone who wants I have made videos which prove that they just do not work.
Huub Lenders

I have the same problem and I solve it including an elastic on the bottom of the muzzle to the neck collar and avoid that the sheep tripped in the air, i.e. the muzzle is all ways in pressure to the bottom and the sheep is obliged to eat on the floor. My sheep's continue to use it and it works.
Referring to the refund, I already contacted several Australian entities, newspapers, journalists etc and nobody answer. I found a contact on Facebook of Robert and wife, I've sent several messages but without answer.
Have you tried to receive your money by other means?
5 years ago