ScottLatchkey Campbell

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since Oct 07, 2019
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Recent posts by ScottLatchkey Campbell

OK - here's a full picture.  Thanks for all the advice!
5 years ago
Thanks, Steve.  I'll take some more pics this weekend.  We live in the Willamette Valley of Oregon - Dundee to be specific.  A very damp/humid summer which may have contributed to it?
5 years ago
Thanks, Ken!  I believe its a Honey Crisp.  It is small, but not in a pot....its been in the ground for 2 years now, planted as bare root.
5 years ago
Hi - I have a few apple trees that are suffering from something, but I can't tell if its Fire Blight or Cedar Apple Rust, or something else?   Any help would be welcome!
5 years ago