For this BB I experimented with plants I could forage myself. I'd never tried any of them before, so each was a surprise.
My fleece is a previously scoured Dorset fleece. I divided my two pounds into four, 8-ounce sections.
1. Pokeberries
For dyeing with pokeberries, I used vinegar diluted in water for the mordant.
While the fiber soaked in the mordant, I prepared the dyebath.
Then I added the wet fiber to the dyepot. I read that to get red, I needed to keep the temp under simmering.
I also read that freshly dyed pokeberries are pH sensitive, so I used soap nuts for washing the fiber.
Here are my results after rinsing and drying.
Mordanting the rest of the fiber
For my other three experiments, I mordanted with alum and cream of tartar. I did the remaining pound-and-a-half of fiber all together in one mordant pot, then rinsed, and dried.
2. Black-eyed Susans
Preparing the dyebath.
Dyeing and washing the fiber.
For this one, I used Ecos "Free & Clear" dishsoap.
Results after rinsing and drying.
3. Pear leaves
Preparing the dyebath
Dyeing and the washing the fiber
I used Ecos "Free & Clear" dishsoap for this one too.
Results after rinsing and drying
4. Hardy hibiscus flowers
Preparing the dyebath
Dyeing the fiber
This one is also pH sensitive, so to wash the fiber, I used soap berries.
Results after rinsing and drying.