Amy Francis

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since Dec 24, 2019
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Just watched this fascinating youtube vid on a small but natural home she's made and lived in for 20 years!  Love her lifestyle!  Only wish it went into detail about what she eats, e.g. grows...
4 years ago

Pearl Sutton wrote: Why did the chicken cross the road?

To show the armadillo and the possum how to do it right.

Why did the chicken cross the road?....

- Julius Caesar:  It came, it saw, it crossed.

- Bill Clinton:  The chicken did NOT cross the road. Not a single time. Never. (It was a boulevard).

- Bob Dylan:  How many roads must one chicken cross?

- Fox Mulder:  You saw it cross the road with your own two eyes. How many more chickens have to cross the road before you believe it?

- Bill Gates:  We own the road. We own the chicken. It's none of your damn business.

- Ernest Hemingway:  To die. In the rain.

- Colonel Sanders:  I missed one?

- Marcel Marceau:

- John McEnroe:  Cross the road?! You cannot be serious!! That chicken was on the line!!!

- Jack Nicholson:  Cause it fucking wanted to. That's the fucking reason.

- Life Of Brian:  He's not a chicken, he's a very naughty bird.

4 years ago
These pink anemones are a garden escape, i.e. sprung up naturally and IN GRAVEL too!!  
4 years ago
Er...could this be the current topical song for social distancing?

4 years ago