Duncan Shannon

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since Apr 08, 2020
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Recent posts by Duncan Shannon

Sounds like it might be helpful to have a "how to sourdough" book for different profiles of people/families. like how much time and attention do you have to offer and how much/which kinds of product/output does one want.   Then people can identify with one of the profiles and focus on the content there.

1) busy family - how to get started with minimal effort
2) busy family - how to make a lot while already busy
3) total novice - basics
4) total novice - want to have sourdough everything and have lots of time and attention to spare
4) master baker
5) ... Who knows.
1 week ago
My main roadblock is (perceived?) poor alignment with a diet focused on protein and fat than carbs.  We try and eat protein heavy - so it just doesn't feel like bread had much of a place in our marco targeted eating plan. Plenty of carbs in vegetables.  Would love to hear how other people include it in their diet especially if you track your macros.
1 week ago

Did Clayton and Boon just grab the last spots or is there still room for one more?

4 years ago