Bon Van Meter

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since Feb 25, 2020
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Recent posts by Bon Van Meter

We had a lone peach tree for years. Then the second set of kids came along (younger bro/sis) and they didn't know the rules about peach trees cannot grow from seeds. They also didn't know you weren't allowed to raid the trees. So they ended up eating them under the tree and the pits GREW and we had 6 peach trees that all bore fruit. They were Elberta RULE BREAKERS!!! at least in this case!!!
5 years ago
I need to teach my mate about hugelculture. He prunes his trees maples, arborvitaes and shrubs twice a year at least and build a huge brush burn pile. We have a wood chipper which he did run and use out in the small backyard orchard. How do I get him to look at that brush burn pile with new eyes?   My garden is only 30x60 foot and good soil so I don't need hugel there. But I have a property that gets high groundwater and sometimes spring ponding and HUGEL would be great there.....but I need to flip a switch. Can you all point me to info on hugel culture so we can build hugel beds instead of brush burn piles? Thanks....

And on a side note, how do you get an avatar photo on your profile? Or are photos turned off? Thanks. This group is an awesome find!
5 years ago