Nik Efs

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since Feb 28, 2020
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Recent posts by Nik Efs

Yes this is my rocket. Just for you reference check this photo.
Instead of a round pan imagine a bigger square plate for BBQ. Smaller plate doesnt fit enough meat for me and friends :)
I need a uniform temperature at the top of the plate because food is not grilled at the same time among the whole surface of the plate. Another reason is that after two burns my cast iron plate has deformed at the center.
7 months ago
Hi there,

I am developing a batch rocket grill.
At the top of the heat riser there is a square cast iron plate (40x40cm) for BBQ. After 2 burns I figured out that temperature is not uniform at all. There is a diferencial of 100°C among the center and the edges of the plate.
I was thinking to built something like a flame difusser in order to reduce the heat at the center and increase it at the edges. I have tried few things without sucess. Does anybody knows any solution to my problem?


7 months ago

John F Dean wrote:I have encountered places that rent the Testco.   And, of course, there are other brands that are substantially lower in price ……and maybe lower in quality.

Does Testco analyser gives efficiency printed on the screen or need to analyse the data and do calculations?

I can calculate fuel energy (thermal mass of wood, weight, moisture levels, burning time. Also, I have found some cheaper chinnese products that can measure O2, H2S, CO, LEL and finally I can measure gas temp with a thermocouple.
Are all these enough?
1 year ago
Hi to all,

I have designed and developed a new style of batchrocket stove and I need to calculate it's efficiency. Can anyone guide me to do it properly.

1 year ago
Hi to everybody, I am new in this forum and this is my first post.

I am trying to built a rocket stove for indoors heating and I have come up with a design that looks pretty good and functional. However I builted the stove and I realised that is not working properly. It needs redisgn but I dont know the causes and the mechanics around the problematic airflow.

So I am trying to introduce my design
Picture A shows the dimensions of the burner. I have installed a glass window in front but is always closed. The feeding of the wood comes from the top right
Picture B shows how the burner is supposed to work... and it works exactly like this (rocket effect).
Picture C shows the final design of my rocket stove with the outer shell installed.
Picture D shows how the rocket stove works with outer shell installed. The airflow operates completely in reverse.

Does anybody knows why this happen? It is all about physics and I don’t have too much knowledge on it.
4 years ago