Looking for a little advice/help with heating a Geodesic dome. I work at an outdoor based school, where the kids spend the majority of time outside. As winter sets in they spend more time inside. Their classroom space is a membrane covered geodesic dome with a layer of insulation under that. It is build on an insulated platform. There is a large wood stove in the dome but it is still not heating up well. . For some reason the solar air exchange fan is located almost directly above the wood stove, which I am assuming is removing the heat as fast as the wood stove makes it, but it can unfortunately not be moved. My current strategy is to put those thermocouple fans on the wood stove to circulate the air before it goes out the vent. This has helped some but the dome does not get near as warm as I would think it should with a wood stove that size. Any other thoughts or input would be welcome.