Martha Lasley

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since May 10, 2020
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Chickens do not eat jumping worms according to researchers at Cornell University. Their skin is tougher than earthworms. These invasive worms have done a lot of damage, and they cover a lot of ground quickly. They do indeed destroy the soil and I have to foliar feed my plants. A mustard pour is about the only success I've had. Apparently possums, moles and snakes are predators of jumping worms. Once the damage is done, I don't know how to restore the soil without bringing in materials from outside, which can bring reinfestation.

How do you train a chicken to eat a worm? My chickens love Japanese beetles, but I have never seen them eat a potato beetle, despite my encouragement.

If anyone has had success eradicating jumping worms, I sure would like to know about it. Early bird fertilizer made from tea seed oil is supposed to help, but I can't find it anywhere!
4 years ago
According to a researcher at Cornell University, chickens do not like jumping worms. Possums, moles and snakes do. Apparently jumping worms can travel across and destroy 17 acres in a single season, so it isn't taking long for these worms to do a lot of damage. Mustard pour (1/3 cup of ground mustard seed per gallon) can bring them to the surface so you can destroy them. Early bird fertilizer (made from tea seed) apparently kills them, but it costs $55 per bag and I can't find it anywhere.
4 years ago