Chickens do not eat jumping worms according to researchers at Cornell University. Their skin is tougher than earthworms. These invasive worms have done a lot of damage, and they cover a lot of ground quickly. They do indeed destroy the soil and I have to foliar feed my plants. A mustard pour is about the only success I've had. Apparently possums, moles and snakes are predators of jumping worms. Once the damage is done, I don't know how to restore the soil without bringing in materials from outside, which can bring reinfestation.
How do you train a chicken to eat a worm? My chickens love Japanese beetles, but I have never seen them eat a potato beetle, despite my encouragement.
If anyone has had success eradicating jumping worms, I sure would like to know about it. Early bird fertilizer made from tea seed oil is supposed to help, but I can't find it anywhere!