Is anybody fighting the jumping worm infestation in Wisconsin or New York? I've been seeing increasingly alarmed posts from my friends in Wisconsin, saying that the worms destroy the soil organic matter and its ecosystem, leaving the soil the texture of
coffee grounds, that won't clump or hold
water. They are resorting to
gardening in containers and watching their formerly productive gardens turn to dust!
Information from the state DNR is three years old and only talks about slowing the spread of the infestation, not what you can do once you've got them:
I have to think that once agriculture is affected, the chemical companies will swoop in with some poison or other, which likely will kill a lot of other things at the same time, which means permies will need to be on hand to spread
compost tea and reintroduce more helpful worms.
But what else can be done? Are
chickens effective at getting rid of the worms, or do they just chase them lower into the soil? Same question for solarizing. Has anyone on the forum had any luck at fending off these worms from your farm or garden, or heard of any promising techniques? Thanks in advance.