It's been pouring rain here for days and days and it looks like it will go on for at least a few more. I have 3 permaculture beds in which I have already planted:
- Keyhole garden with garlic, interplanted with carrots that have just begun to sprout.
- Huegel mound on which various kinds of greens had just begun to sprout when the rains began.
- a STUN bed that isn't raised much--maybe a few inches, in which beets, chard, radishes, and kale had just begun to sprout when the rains came.
All of these structures are multiple years old, so they have good, well established soil structure. All are currently covered by several inches of straw. I also have tomato sets that I'm desperate to get in the ground, and potatoes.
Now to my question: when the rain stops, may I temporarily remove the straw to help the soil dry out a bit? I'm worried that all of my seedlings have drowned and that I'll have to start over, and we all know you can't work in sodden soil. I also know it's a major rule of all permaculture not to leave the soil uncovered, but I'm worried that if I don't remove the straw, it will take weeks for the soil to dry out enough to work, at least in the STUN bed. And then it will be quite late to start crops. (I live in MI, and our growing season isn't that long.) But I don't want to wreck the soil ecosystem, either.