Shannon Dooley

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since May 24, 2020
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Definitely have heard that Lyme can cause floaters. I just completed a Lyme treatment protocol. Check out Raintree Herbs (sourced from Amazon forest). I took Spiro, Myco, AV and Immune Support alongside InterFase Plus by Klaire Labs and GI Synergy by Apex Energetics. Three months of 10 days on the herbs, then four day’s break on various probiotics (trust me, you need the break). Chronic Lyme sufferers might require an additional treatment following 3 months. Find a good functional medicine doctor if not. Don’t bother with Lyme testing. It’s expensive and not conclusive. Go by your symptoms. Have you gone through a big stressful event recently (birth, divorce, accident, etc)? That can trigger Lyme symptoms. I am symptom free now and so glad I went through those 3 months (that were full on and a lot of it bedridden).
4 years ago