K.W. Smith

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since Jun 11, 2020
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Beekeeper, beginner gardener/permie/hydro freak, graybeard biker.
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7a, Etowah, NC
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Recent posts by K.W. Smith

I would love to know if ramps can be grown 'domestically'. I think I'm too low in elevation where I'm at but have to research that a bit more.
If they can be tamed, does anyone know how long they take to establish?
4 years ago
Welcome Acadia Tucker! This subject is something I know very little about. I look forward to learning about your book and perennial vegetables.
4 years ago
Yes please. I'd love to help out and learn new things. I'm in 7a but interested in all types of food preparations. Especially making breads.
4 years ago
Hello, welcome and thank y'all for doing this! Smart looking tools there!
4 years ago
I was a flip-flop guy for most of my life, having grown up in Florida.
My wife though got me to try Crocs and I don't even own any flip-flops anymore.
Give those a try if you never have. You might be pleasantly surprised like I was.

4 years ago
Real nice job there Mike! This beekeeper approves
4 years ago
Hello Crystal, welcome and congrats on the book! It looks to be very interesting and I'll look forward to reading it. I'm very interested in getting proficient in
wild edible identification as well as innovating gardening ideas. I'm a green noob to all of this but view every day as a new classroom.
