Gabrielle Duchene

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since Jun 30, 2020
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Recent posts by Gabrielle Duchene

Hello Sanna,

Like S Bard I am from Belgium, and an expat - I now live in France (Sough Burgundy).
Your account of the dry summers in Belgium amazes me.
We suffered from severe droughts here in Burgundy the last two years but I thought that it was at least a bit better in Belgium!
Catching, storing and using rainwater will be crucial in the future.

I tried a hugelbed but found it disappointing, it is just too dry here - I also had raised beds for a few years but went back to flat beds, easier to manage with very little rain.

4 years ago

this is my first post here - I should introduce myself but well, here I feel compelled to answer. I am a dentist (my first language is French.)

I say yes to clove oil, and for the bruise of the cheek I add this : use a nail file to smoothen the sharp edge.
I would also at least take paracetamol for the pain. But nothing will relieve you better than the dentist...

I hope it doesn't get worse!
4 years ago