Hi folks!
I've been reading these forums for a while and have posted a few times, so I thought I'd introduce myself (and my garden) :-)
I'm a Dutchie living in Flanders, Belgium, married with a son who's 7. I'm a psychologist (well, almost there) and a singer-songwriter and a life-long nature lover. We live in a cabin in a recreational area in a forest, and our garden is across the street from my mother-in-law's house just a 10 minute cycle away. My in-laws have gardened there for 30+ years (rather traditionally, though chemical-free) until they felt they got too old. We've taken over and have been getting more into it since about 4 years. The past three summers have been exceptionally dry and hot (this is an area of Europe known for its grey and wet summers...), and we've been struggling with
irrigation. There is no running water in the garden, but we have storage barrels for about 4500 liters (a bit over 1000 gallons I think?). The drought has
led me top research
permaculture and hugulkultur more intensively, although it always had my interest. I stumbled upon Permies in my quest for Hugulkultur info - and here I am.
Our whole plot is about 700m2 which is quite large by Belgian standards. The soil is mainly sand (or dust...) so we've been composting and mulching, trying to build good soil. This spring, I made three baby hugels that are doing well (one of them has an enormous tomato and a giant jalapeno pepper on it!).
Here are some pics from this week:
(Edit: the upload messed up the order of my pics, sorry!)
Hugel #2 with tomato, jalapeno, nasturtium and chicory... Some marigolds are popping up as well.
2. First hugel I did, with two zucchinis, a tomato, nasturtium and chicory.
3. My attempt at a three sisters-bed, I have been told that our climate is not ideal for it because the beans grow too fast for the corn to keep up. That is why I sowed the corn and pumpkin indoors in april, and have now sowed the beans near the corn stems. They started coming up a few days after I took this pic. I put in some bamboo stalks for the beans to climb, because I realized that this variety goes over 8ft in the air... Oops.
4. An overview - with husband weeding in the back ;-) On the right there is a cover for the tomatoes. Conventional wisdom over here says that you cover them or else they rot. I am learning to question conventional though, so I have planted half of them under a cover and the other half out and about - we'll see what happens. The sunny dry summers are amazing for the tomatoes (last years was a fantastic tomato year!), I imagine they will indeed rot if it rains all summer long like it used to.
5. I have started marking my beds with old branches and little logs. It looks neat, and it keeps the mulch in - this spring I had some birds (pigeons mostly) looking for nesting material messing up my beds. By the way, never mulch with
flax. I took the stuff that is used for horse bedding, and it turned out to be full of seed... I have flax growing everywhere now. I suppose the
bees will be happy and I could always take up weaving... Did the same with hemp and that worked out great - you win some, you lose some.
6. A couple of years ago I put in three little mountain spinach plants (Atriplex hortensis) and was told they would spread themselves well. They did. I now have 3 million plants every year. I'm okay with it - they look so pretty and I never plant regular spinach anymore (it would go to seed immediately or get eaten by slugs), we just eat this stuff all year.
7. Another one spreading well - Jerusalem artichoke. We call them 'earth pears' in Dutch (because we call potatoes 'earth apples').
8. And some raspberries for the heck of it :-)