Congratulations. The more water you catch and the higher up it is from where you want it down, the bigger the pressure. Half a liter/gallon a minute is a lot i'd say. Because you can put and fill a watering can when you're not there, come and get it. Put an empty one and use the full one, when you're back it could be filled up. much more efficient then rain water catchment.
You won't break something up or down stream doing something like what you are doing. It won't be stagnant, because it's flowing constantly.
If i would have this on my land, i would dig a pond for it to fill, i can just dump a watercan in and have the pressure feed a wateringsystem into a greenhouse below.The overflow i would redam and create different wet spots among wherever it choses to go now. Grow nitrogenfixing trees like alder and use them chop and drop to build soil for perennials or other trees closeby the source. Keeping water on the land is so important! You're going to increase biodiversity multifould, attracting all sorts of amphibians, insects, birds and wildlife creating a system much more resistant to whatever food system you want to put in place. Doing well!