Dez Choi

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since Jul 18, 2020
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Seeking peace through working with nature.. homestead, permaculture, laziness-inspired efficiency standards.. this is my jam! Born into consumerism 'merica, i knew of nothing else. in the midst of ravenously wanting more and better 'stuff'.. my heart quietly wished for a different kind of, less contradictory, way to live life on earth. Working to pay bills for several decades didn't make sense to me, but i figured everyone else knew something i had not. so i followed. but i was overwhelmed. today, i stoke the fire of strong desire to seek simplicity. looking forward to meeting like-minded people!
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Recent posts by Dez Choi

That last picture is fruit seeds going in to a tiny hugely
3 months ago
Trying to add more photos but loading is failing to parse..
3 months ago
Fun at zoeland!!!
4 months ago
Been at Thicccens (next door) for about a month now.. what a peaceful and fascinating place zoeland is.. honored to live next door! :)
4 months ago
Great to be back at zoeland!
Photo courtesy to J
5 months ago
Awww jeeuh back at the lab
6 months ago
On a Hugel-y moogel-y Monday
9 months ago
Dear fellow ferments and ferwoments,

Being raised in a South Korean home, Kimchi has been a big part of my childhood.. it was a given that every meal had the optional kimchi side dish, pretty much every single day in bottomless abundance.. though I took it for granted then and didn’t even understand the major health benefits, these days it’s a different story.. Today, I understand a little bit about the bacteria’s protagonist role AND I can FEEL the effects of this simple food preparation method every time I eat sauerkraut or kimchi or fermented carrots etc.. my gut tells me how wonderful the good bacteria makes it feel and so forth.. maybe something like a supportive relationship with a long time best good friend..
 I wish to do a Fermented Veggies Tour in the US.. it’s just an idea at the moment.. and basically in my head it looks likes this:
 Dez shows up in your neighborhood [by invitation], makes ferments and visits with fellow PERMIES folk, and then shimmies along to the next visit, after ferments are ripened.. leaving behind a small pantry of gut-loving cultures for the partakers to enjoy or gift etc for weeks or months.. it’s not the originalest idea sure—does this sound fun to anyone? :) moosage me if so.

 (I’m not sure what I would ask for in exchange, if anything at all. Suggestions welcome. It is an experiment after all. Just putting the idea out there to see if anyone vibes with it..)
 The vision is happier guys and guts, and spreading yummy food techniques with laughter and brine.. Fermented veggies can be a regular occurrence in everyone’s diet, and I’m fairly confident that there’s a flavor of ferment that could suit even the wariest of such a funky super food..
 What’s my favorite thing about ferments? The feels—it’s refreshing, supportive, and so simple. As soon as I finished jarring the sixth mason jar of veggies a few weeks back (from my previous post), the joy in uncle-ing them for seven days grew, but so did the fear of messing up.. turns out this amateur didn’t mess any of them up! They all six taste better than expected and all I did was allow them the space and time to do their thing.. Katt the cook is here with her daughter and I almost witnessed them enjoying my kimchi with their steak.. (almost I say because they ate it so fast! I was shocked and thrilled lol!).. suffice it to say that the fear of messing up has shrunk, and I just want to share more of the joy of a simple way to eat tastier, friendlier vegetables..

Ps. By the way the ingredients for my kimchi recipe are Napa cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, coriander, black pepper, salt.
Pps. The veggies now have an ever so slightly fizzy texture which if you know me, I gotta have some fizzy bubbly in my life! Why not through this method?
10 months ago
Connect .. the current frontier..

A neural pathway
A handshake
A Highway
A fist bump
An eye bat
A butt bump
A chin nudge
A laugh

10 months ago
Inge the kimchi was good. A bit tart-er than I expected. Next time I’ll go in for taste on day 5 or 6, instead of day 7, for a milder flavor experience. I’m definitely going back for more! Lol

Dear future person,

Remember that one time..?

Yesterday was a breakthrough moment
For me
My person vehicle
On this earth

I had recently asked
For riches in all forms
Including money
To allow myself some
Relief and fresh air
From the worries of the tomorrows
 I released the weight’s handle this time

Fast forward a few weeks……

Yesterday January 20 2024,
the breakthrough that happened
Was a progress step
in communication
And connection
With another human
  Today I woke up with more energy and clarity (gift #1)
  Feeling refreshed (#2)
  Optimistic (#3)
  A customized sleeping surface (Huge gift#4; let’s just say my back is grateful also!)
  An open workspace in a warm house(#5,6)
  And more

—It’s just a good day, you know? :)
It’s a rich rich day
Ask and you shall _______…..
Congratulations to you
This is what making space
Must feel like
It’s always yours to carry
And feel when things
Might look down or low
In the meantime
 Immerse into the
 Keep practicing
Those principles that came up
During conversation
  Clarity in communication
  Curiosity before furiosity
  Ferocity in background supportiveness
  Listening to understand [from the other personsperson’s shoes]
  Benefit of the doubt
  Vocalizing self value
  Apologizing to improve
  Avoid blaming and shaming
  Cultivate honor and respect
    Through minimizing expectations
  Encouraged speaking freely
  Ask questions that explore
    Rather than judge
These are just
Some that keep proving true
To worthiness
Glad to know such a future person like you
You amazing future person you
Ciao for now
10 months ago