Tony McCloud

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since Jul 31, 2020
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I see! Thank you for your advice and information.
I do not believe my region has had severe FHB. In my area we typically have corn fields and few wheat fields in my immediate vicinity. I have read that lodging can affect yields something like 1% of yield per day? I looked at the wheat and it appears that it lodged at least three separate times at each node if I’m correct? I have attached some pictures which hopefully will prove to be useful. Thank you!
Hi all!

I’m hoping someone can help me figure out why emmer wheat failed to have complete grain fill. Here’s a little background. I am growing emmer wheat in zone 5. My soil is essentially nutrient barren. I did a ph test and it read around 6.1 the nutrients N-P-K were very low, low, and low. I amended the soil with 50 lbs of chicken fertilizer and 50 lbs of alfalfa meal pellets and some azomite rock dust for any other micronutrients. I followed the directions according to the manufactures recommendations of fertilizing rates. The soil is mainly clay (dredged out of neighboring creeks). I watered the wheat once a week until the heads began to form and stopped. However, I had some later summer storms come in and the wheat lodged several times. Now that I have harvested the wheat I took 10 stalks and tested to see how many heads filled out and 9/10 heads were blanks. I am thinking that I may have over fertilized considering emmer likes poor soils. Basically I am rather confused because I had beautiful development of the wheat heads but they’re mostly blanks. Any advice would be much appreciated thank you!
I’ve been growing wheat for two years now and the only pest I seem to have are insects eating my emmer wheat. I also have my wheat growing right next to a woods with plenty of raccoon and they don’t seem to bother the wheat.
I’m new to growing wheat (this is my second year) and I’m growing emmer wheat. Both years I have seen this type of damage and I am unsure if it is grasshopper damage or if it’s this insect Stenodema laevigata. I have both insects in my wheat rows and I’m leaning more towards grasshopper damage than Stenodema laevigata because stenodema is considered a true bug. I have tried looking up what pests like to eat wheat in several of my reference books but they do not list any information. I’m growing organically so if I must spray I would like to do so with organic means. I would appreciate anyone’s expertise on this matter. Thank you!