Rose Bugler

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since Aug 03, 2020
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Recent posts by Rose Bugler

Check out some of the people interested in quantum biology on youtube. They are talking about ways to use the sun to create a "solar callus" so that you don't burn. They do say use the shade & hats etc as well but they dont use sunscreen and many are based in Australia where the "slip, flap, slop" T shirt, hat &  sunscreen is national folk law.
( They are also talking about the new science which shows that sunlight powers our mitochondria and artificial blue light is really damaging to us. We are designed to live in sunlight not inside buildings. Sounds bizarre and not main stream but strong science behind it)
9 months ago
There's a group or regenerative agric farmers at Primal Web. There's lots of info on there.
2 years ago
The weather for much of the winter here (and often all year round) is horizontal rain. Thought we have had a dry still patch of weather recently.
So... I've been exploring dehumidifiers that have a clothes drying setting. meant to be more energy efficient than using a drier & the washing drying inside doesn't add to the already high humidity - it's usually about 80% but is in the 70's% at the moment. The dry spell has meant i've been able to use the line more than usual. But i'm thinking about trying the dehumidifier idea for this winter as a low energy low damp promoting approach for the ""inclement" weather ahead. 🤞
2 years ago
Slightly lateral response but based on the benefits on wearing things inside out ... when my kids were small I used to tell them to turn their shirts inside out if they were painting or doing muddy stuff. Then turn them round when they were finished. Seems strange now but the spilled paint was on the inside on the way home - perhaps should have been worn as a badge of pride instead. 😁
2 years ago
There is a lot of research as well
on alternative grazing techniques which build soil, improve pastures & improve water cycles.
2 years ago