Kirsten MacElroy

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since Aug 19, 2020
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Lancashire, UK
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Recent posts by Kirsten MacElroy

Is there a link for a feed for the podcast? I don't have access to Apple Podcasts, but would love to add it to my podcast aggregator so I can listen on the move. Thank you :)
I'd love to up my pledge to $65, but it then increases the shipping to the UK to $45, which would take the total to $110 (£80) and I don't have that much disposable income in a month! I only want one book (shipping $15) but that's not an option :(
3 years ago
I'm on the waiting list for one where I live. The waiting list might as well be infinite, with a lot of the allotments held by people for dozens of years, and when finally given up they're usually split into 4 giving a plot of approx 25 foot by 30 foot which, while better than nothing, is extremely disappointing if you want to keep chickens or grow trees.
4 years ago

Mike Barkley wrote:

So all I have to do is make photos of them and then I get the BB?

PEA is not quite ready but it's getting very very close!

How are we looking on this?
4 years ago