R. Beaty

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since Sep 18, 2020
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Recent posts by R. Beaty

I agree. There’s not an easy on-ramp for RMH.
2 months ago
@Josh Warfield, I've added you to the list! Sadly, this is a slooow process, and it'll probably be years before I can get any beans to you. There's a handful of people that have my original beans that are growing them out this year in the Southwest of the US. If they are successful, then maybe there's a chance I can eventually get you some beans to try!
6 months ago
@Josh Warfield, I've added you to the list! Sadly, this is a slooow process, and it'll probably be years before I can get any beans to you. There's a handful of people that have my original beans that are growing them out this year in the Southwest of the US. If they are successful, then maybe there's a chance I can eventually get you some beans to try!
6 months ago
@Sam Gallagher

I need to check in with those who received seeds! Their rainy season should be now or soon! Sadly, the beans have not been grown out yet because of terribly limited rains in the Southwest of the US. I'll check soon with those who received seeds, though, and see what it's looking like now
8 months ago
I have a friend looking for a supplier of organically/regeneratively grown sisal for a manufacturing project. Anybody know of one?

1 year ago

Garrett Schantz wrote:
Bit off topic, but I just figured that I'd express why I think they're neat.

Best of luck to anyone growing them! Native seed search sold one of these species for non-native populations for about a year and for some reason I didn't buy any seed.

Interesting stuff! I really hope the beans grow out well and we have seeds to share!
1 year ago

Emily Sorensen wrote:Add me to the list of people who are interested if / when you have lots from the current growers and want more people growing them.    I live in Provo, Utah.  We're a desert climate with wet cool winters and hot, very dry summers.

I've added you to the list!
1 year ago

Skyler Weber wrote:Just wanted to say thank you for the beans and I have planted them all out.

Skyler, forgive me and my potentially poor record-keeping, but am I the one that sent you beans? I have you listed in my spreadsheet as pending successful grow-out and that I sent the seeds to others.
1 year ago

Garrett Schantz wrote:
But yeah. Just figured I'd pop over here and express some interest.

Hi Garrett!

Alas, they are all spoken for. However, I've added your name to the list. I won't have anymore beans/seeds again from my original source, probably ever, but we are hoping that enough seed will be grown out over the next few years to get some to share. We shall see!

1 year ago
Thank you, Michael and Ted!

Alas! All of the beans are spoken for and will be planted out this year. If over the next few years enough beans are saved from grow out to be shared with more people, I will certainly reach out to you!
2 years ago