Lucille Sperga

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since Sep 20, 2020
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At the latitude where I built an eath-sheltered home, the earth below the frost line was a pretty steady 52°. I insulated all 2-1/3 buried sides × the roof, which was covered with 5' of soil, using 2" Styrofoam board. I also insulated below the footers and the entire slab.

That may seem like overkill, but in 18 years there was never a moment's regret. It's not as if you can retrofit insulation below grade later.

I installed a ERV in the "attic" with ductwork along the north wall to the outside east. I had to wrap the ductwork along that run to prevent condensation, which would have led to mold, the bane of earth-sheltered homes. It was surprisingly quiet. There were no drafts anywhere, so it was comfortable even at much lower temperatures than one would think.

Best of luck on your build!

4 years ago