Megan Abdallah

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since Oct 08, 2020
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Recent posts by Megan Abdallah

You could apply manure … cow dung.
Once it’s dried thoroughly it will lose its smell and will repell flies and other insects.
There’s a lot of reading material on it.
4 months ago

Riona Abhainn wrote:Cool!

It’s pretty exciting. We’re getting the word out to vendors to sign up. Anything can be sold/ or bartered as long as it was created, collected, foraged, or grown with permaculture ethics and intent.
10 months ago
Hi everyone,
Agrarian in Indianapolis, IN is hosting the Permaculture Popup Market starting the third weekend in April. This is a wonderful opportunity for Indiana Permies to sell their wares. Rules, regulations, fees, and dates for your booth are in the PDF below. You might have to print off to fill out. First come first serve and only so many booths available. I look forward to seeing familiar faces there!
Sign up quick. The first deadline is coming up quick.
10 months ago
Hi, I have Cherry pits in the fridge to sprout.
They’ve been in there for about a month or so.
Is it safe to plant them in the fall? I’m in the midwest. I read it’s good to put a couple of inches of sand on the top to protect from freezing.
Thanks for any advice!
1 year ago
Thanks guys. I’ll have patience. I’m new at starting trees from cuttings. I read that cuttings can even be started in sand.
1 year ago
I put a few hardwood cuttings in the ground when it was still pretty cold. Some leaves came up on a few of them and I naturally thought they would have roots started. I accidentally knocked one out the dirt and found no roots. Is this normal for cuttings when they have new leaves sprouting? Will the roots start growing at some point?
1 year ago
I had a really successful crop in Georgia. I bought my cuttings from an ashram in Florida (I don’t remember the name). I started them in my well lit garage in pots in the first week in April. Once they rooted I planted them right in the non amended soil (about 55 percent red clay). They grew like crazy, and I harvested 2’ tubers. They need to grow about a foot to a foot and a half apart to support each other. It was the most beautiful thing to see them growing … the leaves are so beautiful moving in a breeze.
1 year ago
I’m going to start a community Compost 1st and then a community garden in the neighborhood I just moved to. It will include about 20 homes … maybe less to start.
My idea is to put out flyers to neighbors that I’ll do a food scrap p/u from neighbors once a week on Sunday late afternoon. In return they can receive compost twice a year (not sure the amount) for a small fee or trade (not sure of fee amount) that they p/u.

The community garden will work that people can offer some work  for a discounted fee for produce, or trade for produce, or some sort of fee. During summer and early fall. I’m still working out the details and open to any input.
Thanks Permies!
2 years ago
Hi all,Megan here.
Just moved to Indianapolis, IN. I’m new to growing in this climate. Moved from 7B-8.
I’m curious if Paw Paw will grow here?
I’m looking for free or inexpensive resources … wood chips, other mulch, and compost. I’m working on a tight budget. I like to barter
I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone!
2 years ago