Jane Wilder-O'Connor

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since Oct 09, 2020
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Things I’ve done or still do in no particular order:  Mom, Nurse, Student of Life, Costume Designer, Makeup Artist, College Professor, Student Herbalist, Sewest, Knitter, Weaver, Dyer, student of  Tai Chi, student of Yoga, student Gardener, Master Composter, Soaper, Spinner, and trying to find what’s next.
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USDA Zone 9 A San Jacinto, California
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Recent posts by Jane Wilder-O'Connor

Usually made with orange peel and infused for six weeks. I use an otherwise similar recipe and have had good results for the past 10 years.
1 year ago
Hi Amy,
I’m in the desert area of So Cal and feel the heat! I love my tomato sandwiches and won’t give up bread, so I make a sourdough bread that proofs/ rises all day and bake it at about 9pm when I’m not having to be in the kitchen during and after the baking. Our house is cooled with and evaporative (swamp) cooler that blows the heat right out the back door.

A different option would be to cook the dough like English muffins in a skillet with a lid which would not generate as much heat, but would necessitate standing by for turning. I’d rather hide out on the other side of the house.

All the waffles!!!

Hope you figure out something that works out really well for you. Maybe other people have more interesting approaches and we will both learn new things. Thank you for posting this query.

2 years ago
You might want to check out some Full Bust Adjustments tutorials.  

There are several others on You Tube.
My favorite is a paid class for $40. The instructor even answers questions!
Another option is something less fitted in addition to the FBA: https://thesewingplace.com/baltimore-coat/

I hope you are feeling better this week!!

r ranson wrote:One of the things I've noticed is that most patterns fit me at a medium or large for most of me, but the bust is at least 10 inches too small.  Some are over 20 inches too small.

That's a lot of adjusting that needs to happen and kind of makes me grumpy that I would spend so much money on a pattern (they are expensive in Canada) that needs hours of work and extra mockups... sigh.

So I'm in a grumpy mood this morning.  What's new.  I'll feel better after coffee and start looking at all the inspiration.  

Some options.  
1. get a pattern I like and do a huge Full Bust Adjustment
2. get a pattern that fits my bust and adjust the rest of it down.
3. take a pattern off my current coat and add a couple of inches needed here and there.
4. draft a pattern to my measurements.  

What else?  

But for now, I'm still in the information-gathering stage.  So keep the ideas comming.  They are helpful (even if I'm a grumpy-pants without my coffee)

3 years ago
Thank you for the information on the KoMo. I had not heard of this mill, but after watching the video and reading about it, I will put this on my purchase list when my current mill inevitably gets too old to function.
3 years ago
I have had the same electric Magic Mill by Bosch since 1992. Upgraded from a hand crank when I got my first paycheck as a nurse in 1985–that one melted in a house fire. I grind about qt cups of grain per week these days now that the kids have flown the nest.
3 years ago
So it seems like I need to dig things up to put down hardware cloth since HOPING gophers won't come might not pan out? May I just mention that I am a bit overwhelmed with designing a permaculture garden?

Wow! Your garden is gorgeous! I was up late doing research. I’d like to set up the no dig system after I remove the last of the concrete that might have been a patio in 1957. I am concerned about gophers which is why I was going to dig down to put in hardware cloth and then do raised beds. Stupid gophers! And we having free range cats in the neighborhood, even.

It does seem that the permaculture  approach would compensate for soil issues. I will be paring down my kitchen garden to a 20’x6’ area and want to make the most of it.
Hi Chris,

How far might the blighted soil travel? If I have three or four separate raised beds a couple of feet apart, would that be enough rotation? How deep does this blight go? I've read over and over about the need to rotate tomatoes over a four year rotation. I am hoping to get this project right from the beginning... High hopes, right?

Green Greetings,
I'm planning to put in a small area of raised beds this winter for my vegetables and herbs. Do I need to rotate tomatoes if I plant cover crops between seasons? I was just watching a YouTube about tomatoes and the permie gardener (Morag from Australia)says she just lets the tomatoes fall and self-seed. This implies that her tomatoes grow in roughly the same areas. How far away would I need to move the rotation if I do need to rotate? So many questions!
Thank  you,
My post that I thought I wrote disappeared.  
Thank you for responding. We are in a drought here in SoCal, so the only water the blackberries receive is what I provide. Usually buckets of water from warming up the shower or dishwater. I use a grey water appropriate dish detergent. I started hand watering nearly every day in March because the bushes were looking dry.  Almost always just water the roots.
3 years ago