charles hook

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since Oct 26, 2020
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Ryan M Miller wrote:I have done some reading about the trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) and I'm considering growing this hardy citrus where I live in Ohio. Based on what I have heard about the fruit, it is very sour so I want to know if anyone has ever tried making orange-ade from the fruit of this tree as with lemons and limes. If the fruit has a higher acidity than lemons (pH=2-3), than it might require more dilution than lemons. The only issue with juicing trifoliate oranges I have heard about so far is that some fruits may leave a piney resin on a lemon squeezer that is hard to wash off. Based on what I have read, the fruits are supposed to be the size of key limes except full of seeds.

I recently purchased lemon squeezer. Now i can easily make trifoliate. As i purchased Prepworks by Progressive Dome  so it remove piney resin and it easily wash off. Thanks to that guide which help in selecting  best one for me.
I liked there Things to consider when buying a lime squeezer section which helps me a lot
4 years ago

Carla Burke wrote:
Anyway, what's weird is that two things popped into my email inbox, almost at the same time, this morning; notification of this thread, and my daily from Dr Becker, on this topic:

Nice article, Thanks for it
4 years ago