Habib Meftah

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since Nov 09, 2020
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Hi, any news on that project, tyipicaly thé système IS hypocaust applied on wall than floor, with rmh as heat source than classiccdire wood .
Inside circuit of fumés in batchblock are design by bricks so why not export all that circuit inside wall well double wall, so tout have an inertial wall typicaly stone, on that all you make some firebricks canal for fumes and you fill this second skin with earth hemp perhaps with insulation around fumes canal ? I took as example old japanes mansion Heart bye hypocaust système on floor canal fumés. Ibinowbits not very clear but its thé Idea.
Anyone have contact of Ross ? Il really interested to investigate this potentiel solution to have a déportés mass than in masse Heather itself.
You Can reach bme by hbib57@ hotmail.fr
1 year ago