Alma Naylor

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since Nov 15, 2020
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ws southern OR elev.1380 feet Zone 8a heavy clay soil
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Recent posts by Alma Naylor

I’m super exited about growing landraces. I started a little bit last year, and read Joseph Lofthouse’s book. This year, I am doing a lot more and trying to get some neighbors involved. I think the community aspect is very important, especially for those of us with small gardens. It matters what they are selecting for, but if we share seed, but plant mostly our own selection, the diversity will be beneficial.
2 years ago
Salad greens like lettuce or spinach if you like raw salads. Mustard greens or kale if you like or want to try cooking greens. Try growing them with Carol Deppe’s eat all greens method so you can harvest the whole plants to maximize yield.
When within 3 weeks of moving in we turned the 600 sq ft back yard into a deep bedding system with a carport tent that fit perfectly between the house and fence to keep the 2 goats, 20 chickens, quail, and mini pig. 3 months later and the pregnant goat gives birth. My wife is standing on a bucket holding up a 5 minute old goat kid for the neighbors to see. A couple of our neighbors love us for the baby goats, others avoid eye contact.
I don’t know what they will think when I pull 600+ cubic feet of poop/straw into a huge compost pile in the front yard in the next few weeks.
2 years ago
Someone asked about electric farm equipment. Johnny’s sells an electric tiller and an electric wheel hoe. They definitely don’t compare with a two wheel tractor, but they should do the job much faster than hand tools. Price tags are a little more than $1000. I have no experience with these, just saw them on Johnnyseeds.
2 years ago
Ive ordered from field and forest and mushroom mountain usually great but my last order from mushroom mountain (South Carolina) had a couple defective bags.
3 years ago
I am also interested how this has worked out and if anyone else has tried using mushrooms to compost blackberry stems.
3 years ago
When will the book be released? Will it be on Amazon?
3 years ago
Thanks Carl. I am pretty familiar with the rootstocks currently being used in my area(mostly quince but it's not compatible with many varieties) and these trees should last about that long, maybe up to 70 years with good care. I know a little about the old rootstocks and I know of a few very old trees and old chopped down orchards that have a few of the rootstocks growing tall. I've sampled a few fruit from the old trees and even the old rootstocks and found nothing worth going back for. Some time I might try to ID them though.

All that said; when I have my own orchard I plan to plant most trees from seed and try a few cuttings to have some pure bosc and bartlett.
3 years ago
That's awesome, I cant wait to have land to plant my own trees on and try different ways of growing them. I just watered the one I grew as a kid and let it grow how it wanted.

I hope you post some updates later so we can see how the tree is doing.
3 years ago