Zakk Collins

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since Nov 19, 2020
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Recent posts by Zakk Collins

Terry... Bigfoot is here, he currently has been spotted west of Toronto, with a tinge of ginge to his thin summer coat.

He also goes by Sasquatch, or Zakk
Good morning all!

I've been a long time reader of the site, and I feel now is the time to open myself up to a lovely lady.

A bit about myself, I'm a single guy, straight, 28, no kids, have not been married, and from Ontario, Canada, currently living in British Columbia (travelling). I have a colourful red beard, soft hazel eyes and a mid-sized build. I'm funny, positive, always smiling, love people and children. I don't drink or smoke, nor use drugs. I accept if you do, no judgment passed.

I am spiritually inclined and follow no religion (in fact, I find it hard to follow authority XD). In a partner, I am looking for someone genuine, open, communicative and loving. Age is secondary, I have had relationships with women 10 and 20 years my senior. What I look for in a partner, is also someone who understands the value of life, and specifically human life, the human experience.

I do not own any land, I do however have a truck. I am very much open to embracing permaculture and the hard work that comes along with it. Off-grid, a simpler, cleaner and healthier lifestyle. Away from the crazies and their sheeple (catch my drift?).

If I fit your bill, would love to chat with you to learn more about you, you goals and dreams in life.

If you'd like a picture, you can contact me. I use Whatsapp and email of course, but no Facebook, Instagram and such (I'm sure that is common amongst people on this forum )

My deepest thoughts go out to reaching you....

4 years ago