N Beirl

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since Dec 15, 2020
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Good morning.  Yes, the house is still available, but is currently off the market since the market is soft and owners are doing some back and forth traveling.
It wasn't convenient to keep it listed, for now,
Do you have questions?
My good friends just listed their house today.  They made the adobe blocks by hand and built this house in the 1990's.  They are amazing people.  They have developed terraced gardens with the most amazing soil. They made their own soil and sold it for a period of time, as well as worm castings. They just built a large hugelkultur in the last couple of years. I hope the right person buys this place. It would be very sad to see someone have it that doesn't recognize and go forward with the masterpiece it is. It is turnkey and produces abundant and nutritious crops. Huge porches for amazing outdoor living spaces, and a big grill set up, nice shop.  This is not roughing it in the outback. Small town conveniences are nearby as well as 30 minutes from Prescott and 90 minutes from Phoenix.  4000ft elevation, moderate climate with all seasons and beautiful views of the Bradshaw Mountains and Mingus Mountain. Also has it's own very good well. I know the right people for this little slice of heaven are out there. Please help them connect! The address is 14690 E St Rt 169 Dewey, AZ. The photos do not do it justice. You have to see this place and feel the energy.
Wow! Yes it does look like a potato! Thanks! I pulled some dirt from a raised bed to mix with the starter mix I bought. Must have had some little taties left in it. Mystery solved!
3 years ago
Can anyone tell me what this plant is?  It sprouted in some of my pots I started inside this spring.  It grew really fast.
3 years ago
Thank you!  I appreciate your advice!
3 years ago
I haven't explored getting a soil test locally, but could find out, I'm sure.  I have pH around 7 according to a little meter I picked up at Home depot. How do I make phosphorus available?
3 years ago
Broccoli, cabbage, peas, kohlrabi, tomatoes, strawberries, anything that isn't (supposed to be so) leafy.  My collard greens, kale, chard lettuces, spinach, cilantro, etc do great.  My soil base is horse manure compost.
3 years ago
Hoping for guidance in my greenhouse garden.  I get all leaves and no produce.
What am I missing in my soil?  I have lots of worms and I mulch with alfalfa and some chop and drop grass and peas and whatever else grows.
Thanks for any suggestions!
3 years ago