My name is Aspen and I'm 20 years old. I'm still figuring things out for myself, but I think I want to have my own farm. I'm considering pursuing a bachelor's degree in animal sciences and management, but I'm not in school at the moment. I love animals and I'm actually a pescatarian. I don't plan to eat meat again unless I've raised and slaughtered it myself. Which I do plan to do!
My farm vision is still a work in progress, but currently I envision myself having chickens, ducks, rabbits, and goats. I care a lot about sustainability, and rabbit is one of the most sustainable meats there is! Goats not so much, but I've been thinking about birria a lot lately... yum. I also see myself having some sort of garden, although I don't know on what scale that will be. I've actually been gardening for years with my mom, we built ourselves a little raised bed at our old house. Our new house has a huge yard but it's on a steep hill, so terracing is one of our future projects.
As to how I plan to make money from my farm... tbd. Like I said, it's a work in progress. But I've been spending a lot of my free time researching different aspects of farming. I think I learn something new every day! I'm interested in learning more about fur farming, dog breeding, sheep husbandry, and overall sustainability. I keep coming across this forum while I'm doing research on stuff, so I thought it would be worthwhile to make my own account!