Natosha Jacobs

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since Jan 03, 2021
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Recent posts by Natosha Jacobs

Hello everyone!

This is the kitchen I grew up with and is about 30 years old. We are slowly updating the house room by room and this kitchen is next. The kitchen counters, sink and tiles will be changed to something plain and white- possibly marble with hard edges, for the counter. We are also demolishing a wall to create a bar on the side where the fridge is, so the kitchen table will leave to create space. However, my parents are very keen on their solid wood cabinets which they claim are hard to get by these days and for which they paid what they believe was a good sum of money back in the day. Any ideas on how to revamp these cabinets to brighten up the room to meet them half way? Perhaps a white paint job? Any other suggestions regarding the kitchen are also welcome!
3 years ago
When we bought our house we noticed the whole exterior had an unusal coating on it - tar and little particles, looks like roofing material. We consulted a brick restoration expert, said he'd never seen anything like it. It was originally a charming 30s minimal tudorish house but as you can see has been mistreated with some lousy remodels. It can be a shame to paint brick but in this case it has to be done.

We're somewhat decided on cream as we'd like to steer things towards a more classic historical look (these are photoshopped). I'm hung up on the foundation, which I think might be fun to paint a dark color with a serious kick of green or blue, or brown for a safer bet. Would that be nuts, and is cream all wrong?? My hope is that it works for the architectural style and future renovations would play off the cream for a historical look. One day I think it would be nice to tear down the front porch and add a simple portico and maybe put up shakes where there's cheap siding. Thank you kindly for looking and any advice is much appreciated!!! I know it looks like hell!
3 years ago
I'm trying unsuccessfully to find some solid info on how long it will take to cook my turkey in a Wolf Convection Steam oven. Called Wolf twice and they are no help - they sent the same cookbook each time (even after I explained I already had it on the second call). It indicates the correct mode to use the oven on - but not anything about cooking time. Also, I would like to come out with a crisp skin and I'm wondering if I need to change the mode at the end to achieve that? (Cannot find this addressed in the literature).

This is my first turkey and my first time using the steam oven as we're just finishing a renovation and moving in days before hosting thanksgiving (yes that's crazy but that's another story :)

Thanks in advance!
4 years ago

Nicole Alderman wrote:Does this count as a "big, ugly, nearly useless spoon using only hand tools"?  Made it today and had to stop early because, well, I cut myself and was bleeding thtough the bandage onto the spoon, and so figured I should stop....

(I just ahve to say, I've wanted to carve a spoon since I was a kid, and got the mora spoon carving tool about 4 years ago for my birthday. Of course I've had babies and toddlers that whole time, and so never got around to finally carving a spoon. This Badge Bit worked as excellent motivation for me!)

This was carved from a dwarf apple tree that died almost 2 winters ago from the weight of snow. It's been sitting outside, soggy wet. I brought it inside and carved this spoon from it

4 years ago