Sharon Nanfelt

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since Jan 16, 2021
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Recent posts by Sharon Nanfelt

Thank you for asking this question! I have discovered an excellent fall/spring chore coat for me is a lightweight puffer vest from Old Navy.
It has deep zippered pockets and a zip front closure if I prefer and being a quilted vest I am warm but free to move very easily.  

My issue as the warm weather comes is what I can wear to replace or improve on this option.

A vest in summer will quickly make the heat overwhelming and I do not like the tool belt style. I’ve worn canvas aprons with pockets which gives that range of motion without the heat, but the pockets haven’t been great.  
So I’m also on the lookout for an improved summer option to replace my chore vest.
1 year ago
Oh thank you Chris! That was a much faster resolution than i expected or hoped.

Could you tell me what this from?  Who wrote it?  Is there more where this came from?  

The writing style, the unusualness, the ideas… all very much interest me.  

Thank you again 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
1 year ago
Hello Permie Writers and Readers!
I was scrolling down bookmarked-article memory lane and realized a cherished link is no longer available.
Has anyone heard of this and know where I might dig to maybe find what I am looking for?

4.8.20: Pale Rust and an Albino Hawk – The Charter of the Forest
This is the link I was so sad to discover was now dead.
It was a bizarre and beautiful story. I hoped to read it again.

I searched google a few ways and was able to locate this reference which makes me think it may be described in Bill Mollison's book Permaculture a designers manual.
"The Charter of the Forest makes extended use of permaculture ideals and techniques such as forest ... a b "4.8.20: Pale Rust and an Albino Hawk".

Is anyone familiar with either the reference or the story I am looking for?
Many many thanks,
1 year ago
Hi Mike! Enjoyed Humphrey’s progression photos, can you share an update on last season? 🌿
3 years ago
Hi All,

Does anyone have a simple building plan for a butterfly-shaped roof for rainwater collection?  I tried to use SketchUp for the first time and only came up with this concept.  

As you can imagine I am hoping to funnel rain down the two sides into a rain barrel at the corner of my garden.  

Thanks for your guidance or direction!
3 years ago
Been following a lot of great conversations/questions on this site for a few months and happy to make myself official finally!  
We relocated to a remote Appalachian property in September to give our kids space to grow up outside and explore the natural adventures we'd been scuttling for too long.
I hope to better connect with your knowledge and wisdom as I develop plans for a natural children's playground, public gardens and a farmers market.  There is so much to consider and I am most often one who won't read directions before undertaking IKEA furniture builds - only to slightly regret it later.     I have had to reign in that urge to just start digging terraces and throwing seeds in the ground.   Blessed be the winter which has forced me to slow down.  
Any direction you all have on flowering perennials for 6a/heavy clay,  landscape design planning/tools, resources for managing a broad soggy runoff section of pasture.  Rejuvenating an older blueberry patch, making sense of the overgrown blackberry patch...

Our property has an outdoor furnace that heats the house and greenhouse.... we've learned a lot about how these work, but hope to install solar for the house and use more passive solar options for the greenhouse...

lots of work and exciting things to learn and build/grow.

4 years ago