James Tomlinson

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since Jan 29, 2021
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I dream of going off grid living on 8 acres I part own with my mom and sister. I’ve got solar panels batteries many laptops and mobile devices so I don’t get bored. Until then I’ll just have to stay a city boy here working at the tv station. My wife doesn’t share my dream so that sucks. Here’s some video of our land. https://youtu.be/7_xsnalGL14
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I’m in Tyler not too far from ya! Glad to see East Texas folk here.
2 years ago

Alana Rose wrote:

James Tomlinson wrote:buying old Palm pilots and old cell phones which I turn into media and game centers I can run and charge off the many solar panels I have.

Wow! Very clever!

I have 3 old cell phones lying around.

Thank ya!! Yeah if it’s got an SD card slot then you are set and can load tons of stuff to watch!!
2 years ago
I’m 45 and this is a little different than what your doing lol but I’ve become obsessed with buying old Palm pilots and old cell phones which I turn into media and game centers I can run and charge off the many solar panels I have. One $15 cell phone can hold as much as 400 hours of movies and tv shows lol. Being the prepper I am I’m just afraid of having nothing to do at night once I bug out. I’m going to put a YouTube video out on it soon when I get a free minute.
2 years ago
Hey everyone love this place so cool!! I’m James I’m 45 I have 8 acres I can share with my mom and sister near Waskom here in Texas. Currently I live in Tyler, TX and work at a TV Station and a Small Baptist Church. I’m so tired of this crazy world and have a feeling it’s only gonna get worse.  My dream is to go off grid on my land and run a YouTube channel. I have a lot of video equipment and 30 years in the TV biz so I would love to make it bad ass. I also have a bunch of portable technology to keep me from being bored. I’ve become a prepper in the last few years I have enough seeds to plant gardens for years and a pretty good amount of gear and food stored up. I’m married sadly and my wife shares none of my dreams. So I don’t know what’s gonna happen there. Just happy to have this place thank y’all for being so awesome!!
3 years ago