Carla Heide

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since Feb 10, 2021
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Recent posts by Carla Heide

Hello Glenn,

I live in New Brunswick as well. I love your greenhouse project. I would like to construct a similar structure some time. I will keep reading your posts so I can see how things are going.
I am in Shediac Cape, are you anywhere close to there? I am part of a project at the Greater Shediac Community Garden where we have built a kind of hybrid greenhouse (it's a greenhouse but will have other uses as well) and hopefully we will be able to start growing something in there soon.  I am really curious how your climate battery will work out. I like to learn from others experiences and then hopefully apply them to my own design when I finally build my own four season greenhouse.

3 years ago
I'm sorry that your pressure canning endeavours didn't work out well. I grow garlic and I find the best way to store it is to peel it, put it in the food processor and then into the dehydrator. I use a coffee grinder to grind the powder into garlic powder. It is delicious. The dehydrated garlic lasts  for a very long time. Others have already commented on the pressure canner not working with oil. If you want to try something this growing season, do some carrots. They work beautifully in the canner and pretty sure you will have great success and want to do more pressure canning.
3 years ago