Adelheid Colvin

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since Feb 12, 2021
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Recent posts by Adelheid Colvin

We just moved to the area and it is great to see this in the works! We won't be able to attend classes but if you have need of a new piece of land to use for teaching purposes or are having any gatherings other than this we would be happy to be involved.

Hi! We are just north of Bellingham WA and would love any drop in time you would like to spend. We do not have any stand alone structures yet but they are in the plan :)
Best wishes on finding a spot

7 months ago
I would love to come visit and help with projects in the future!!
It looks and sounds lovely! We may be coming through the area on our way to visit a friend in Arkansas. We are looking at options for our new chapter (sold the tiny house and left 6 acres) so we might be interested in a short term stay, and a long term option if it is a good fit for all.
Many blessings to you and your space. May the right folks come along and join in joyful endeavors.

Health and Harmony,

Heidi & Steven
1 year ago
To clarify, you are offering the second option up for a buyer? With you staying on the land?
Or are you offering your current place for sale and looking for the second option for yourself?
This is a lovely idea! We did just sell our tiny houses but if we get into our 45 ft bus it could  be an option!
I have come back to this post a few times to see how it has gone and if there is any update. I hope it has gone well for you. We are still looking for the right fit for us to have intentional community as well. We sold our house in town and went tiny in 2020. We have a lease on the 10 acres we are on at the moment but if you are still looking for folks we have tools, skills, our own homes, and the desire to be in relationship with the land as good stewards with other folks.
2 years ago
Will SkIP be a curriculum? Or a checklist?
I like a few options and one in particular but for this one word.  If SkIP will indeed be teaching things that makes sense, but if it's not much different than now it seems more of documentation system.
Welcome! I have friends in Canada and have always wanted to travel up that way after living so close to the border in Kalispell MT and Seattle areas. I look forward to checking out your site and book.
3 years ago