Toni Strother

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since Mar 12, 2021
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Recent posts by Toni Strother

Pooless threw me too. I was thinking that would be uncomfortable at best. Then I remembered it meant shampooless. But what about TP-less?
I have heard, and I think it’s true, that unasked-for advice comes across as criticism. One of the guidelines in discernment groups is, “Hold your opinions, even your convictions, lightly.” Of all the guidelines, that one gets the most push-back. I’m working on saying what I am doing and how it’s working instead of telling other people what to do.
3 years ago
I used to take ibuprofen, landscapers’ M &Ms. I stopped. Now if anything hurts, I change what I’m doing. If I’m still, I move around. If I’m moving, I rest. I use ginger and turmeric and vinegar a lot in cooking. Avoiding alcohol helps. I’ve had two new knees and one new hip twice. New ones work, but there are some things they can’t do like the old ones. I have changed to mostly whole plants eating, lost 25 pounds. Crawl around on the floor with babies as often as I can. All seems to help. I’m 81, so I’d like to keep going as long as possible.
3 years ago
One of my growing-up experiences: I used to get my father to stitch my moccasins when they came undone. One day I asked him to sew one up. He said,”Do it yourself. You know how to use an awl.”
3 years ago