Ricky Carmo

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since Mar 18, 2021
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Recent posts by Ricky Carmo

I would go for the stand up one, the other option would be too close to the plants and will stress them. In nature, the wind is not always “high”, too much air circulation will increase the plants transpiration, and lower humidity around the plant, which can dehydrate the leaves and stress the plant each day. So just moving the air around them works fine.

A nice way to know if your plants are happy with the light and wind is to place your hand where the plant is, does it feel good, can you keep your hand there comfortably???(not too hot nor too breezy)...

Fluorescente bulbs are very forgiven when it come to heat-burn, they make very low heat, I had plants grow up to 1-inches of it and not get sun-burn, some even touch to then start to show signs of burn. Make sure to keep a thermostat and humidifier 1-2 inches above your plants so you always know what they too is feeling like.
Most plant do not like temperature above 85f, but you have to check specs about the plant you cultivating, the more you know the happier she will be!
text me 508 571 6109
email: richardcallings@gmail.com

Ricky, 32, green-hazel eyes, 6'4', Ligh caramel skin, 200lbs, curly rustic hair,  i am fit and atletic, i am vegetarian but will eat proper sourced wild-salmon ones every 2-3 months, i have great work ethics, i love getting things done and having multiple projects as I get bored easy, i am usually active because its the pace of life where i am at, but i can cool off and be chill and mellow and meditate, i got a good balance!
3 years ago
I agree with: Dale Hodgins

I have everythignyou asked for in the original message. I am 32 graduate no kids no pets, 6'4" 200lbs green-hazel eyes, pisces, no tatoos, Jesus follower, Spiritual path, the closer to nature the closer to God. Born and raised in rural area, permaculture, until 15 years old, then lived in Boston area 17 years where I run a Home improvemement/renovations business.

text me: 508 571 6109
or email: richardcallings@gmail.com
3 years ago
I am interested. You are pretty, and serious, and I cannot go wrong with pretty serious!

You say that you are not touchy but i bet you would be all over me ;-p

My email is richardcallings@gmail.com

I hope i made you smile, look forward to talk and ahsre some knowledge with you.
3 years ago