Oh yes i didn't think of the butterflies, i planted lots of flowers and herbs but didn't check if they are butterfly friendly. Thanks for that idea.
No Tereza, it was just a weird plastic ... "bird bath"?! It now shields my compost from to much rain
One more factor might be our cats, i always fear one of them catching a bird.
Jay: I won't stay here that long (hopefully - need more garden space
But i have a plum on the left side (nearly out of the picture with a comfrey under it) mainly so i can learn to prune fruit trees.
You got the right hunch with raspberrys. The wall at the top is south direction, so it get shaded. When we moved in i planted a raspberry which i saved from a farm i worked on. Although i thought it was not a good spot the raspberry is loving it. Pushing 4 new rods and lots of fruit. Probably the plant which gives me the most joy.
Thank you all