Florian Beinwell

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since Mar 28, 2021
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Recent posts by Florian Beinwell

Hi Permies!

Maybe someone of you can help me. I work with a older Polish guy, who has been a Mason his whole live.

I'm now trying to teach him some basics about gardening and permaculture. But we got a little bit of a language barrier.

Are there any videos you would recommend me in Polish language I could show him?

Thank you!
have you found other sources of information?
3 years ago
Yes i realize i missed that detail Sorry.
They are my cats. so i dont want to deter them from the corner, since my garden is very small and this i unproductive, uattractive area.

I could use an outdoor litter system but i would have to get a roof over it.
3 years ago
Hello permies.

at least 1 of 4 cats started using a south-west facing corner as a cat toilet.
The soil years probably decades old leaves of Chamaecyparis.
In this first year i grow sunchockes there, which loved the spot: +3 Meters

I noticed the smell, so they dont cover properly.
I tried to stop them from using it, but it didn't work.

So now my permaculture question:
What can i plant, what would make sense to
cover the smell
maybe give hiding space
give litter to cover
can use the high nitrogen amounts

Also: How do i encourge them to use this spot and not any other in my garden?
3 years ago
I realize how hard it is to really tell the plants apart on photos.
I tried it with some different angles
3 years ago
Some updates on the garden.

The pumpkin in the back is getting so enormous i pruned some vines because it became to much. Let's see how he will do on top of the garage.
Unfortunatly we had a lot of rain, which you maybe heard in the news: Big flooding in Germany.
Due to this rain most of my tomatoes have brown rot
But in comparison to the people how lost homes and even their life, my problem is a very small one.
3 years ago
Oh yes i didn't think of the butterflies, i planted lots of flowers and herbs but didn't check if they are butterfly friendly. Thanks for that idea.

No Tereza, it was just a weird plastic ... "bird bath"?! It now shields my compost from to much rain
One more factor might be our cats, i always fear one of them catching a bird.

Jay: I won't stay here that long (hopefully - need more garden space )
But i have a plum on the left side (nearly out of the picture with a comfrey under it) mainly so i can learn to prune fruit trees.
You got the right hunch with raspberrys. The wall at the top is south direction, so it get shaded. When we moved in i planted a raspberry which i saved from a farm i worked on. Although i thought it was not a good spot the raspberry is loving it. Pushing 4 new rods and lots of fruit. Probably the plant which gives me the most joy.

Thank you all
3 years ago
Maybe it doesn't look like much (especially to my neighbours who probably think i am crazy) but i think it looks lovely.

My landlord wanted to trees gone. Now i got great sunshine in the morning but i noticed a lot less birds in my garden :/ Gotta work on that.

Nothing else to add, i just wanted someone else who understands my joy

A tiny urban garden development (8 months)
3 years ago
Hi Permies,

i have a problem and i hope you can help solve it.
This Prune Plume i planted last fall without pruning it. (First mistake, i learned a couple of days ago)

Now it was already in bloom and is leaving out and i am hestitant if and how to cut.
It also has a second leader which is longer then the 1st.

I already cut the small crossing branch on the first leader.

Edit. I forgot to give sundirections: The white wall behind the Zwetschge is shading in the morning (East). (can i say the wall is westfacing?)
Edit2: I also forgot to mention: I'm not plannig to live here very long max 2-3 years. After that i would like to take the tree with me, thats also thea reason why i planted it so close to the wall.

What would you advise? Can i still cut now? (I'm in Germany ~8b)

Thank you!
3 years ago
Hi Sebastian,

i am really thinking about leaving the germany in the future. My hopes for the future here are ... bland...
There are many reasons behind it, most of all climate change and with that a political radicalization (even more...)
I also want to live in a real diverse community and not this anonymous self-centered citys or towns.

Where did you move to?
I'm interested to read more of that place.

Liebe Grüße
3 years ago