Hello friends,
i am 33 years old and
permaculture found me and gave me what i always missed.
After working many different jobs, everyone feeling so meaningless to dedicate my life to i learned about climate change and then
permaculture. And firstly i got depressed about the state of the world.
But then i also found something which fascinates me deeply and i love to learn everyday. (I have a BSc which didn't really interest me)
2020 i worked on a small organic family farm and knew very fast that this is the right way.
I decided to start studying horticulture to later find a job with which i hopefully (Prices are exploding) can pay a small plot of
land i can turn into a productive ecosystem.
For now i moved last September to a new apartment with a small backyard garden with lots of ideas and projects.
I would like to get some input from you guys about different design aspects and maybe document the progress for other people with small backyard gardens.