Henry James

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since Apr 03, 2021
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I thought the same, there is no movement and the knob is cast already on the metal, the bakelite is not instald on
the metal later.
I just was not sure. The bolt has a messing or kopper core, probably the iron was once in parts, hence the seam, then it got this copper core.
So it seams unscrewable but it’s not, I think I wil use epoxy to glue everything. Then make a mold, clean the metal from Bakelite and will cast the new knob on to the

Thanks everyone!!!
3 years ago
I have bought a Royal KHM (1937)  typewriter. The person who sent me this beautiful machine made a mistake by packing it unsafe.
So it was damaged. The right black platen-knob was broken.
Now I can't find a new one so I want to glue the broken pieces, to then make a mold and recast it. Yet first I have to loosen the remaining piece
from the bolt. Yet that is difficult as the bolt does not give while trying to turn it loose.
Does anyone here have a method how to loosen this without damaging the rest of the knob?

In the picture you see the black broken knob that is fitted on a bold that can be fastened (see the two little screw holes on the neck) on the platen of the typewriter.
At the other side is a metal flat disc (see the yellow arrow).
The Bolt has just above the screw holes (see the red arrow) a thin seam that suggests as if it exists out of multiple parts that can be loosened from each other.
How else could someone in the factory have fitted the black knob onto the bolt? I Have tried to loosen the parts but it is so stuck I just don't know.

Does anyone here have any experience with this problem? Please answer if you have a solution. Thank you.

3 years ago