I have a small plot in my front yard I'm converting from lawn to a food forest, see my previous
post if you want to see how it's (not) going.
I want to try to mimic succession, and requested a BUNCH of seeds from my library's seed library. This is primarily financially motivated, seeds are free, and the bushes I want I can't afford yet. But on the plus side maybe they will suppress the seeds, provide food, and improve the soil! I got:
Mint Mountain
Pycnanthemum Virginianum
Bean Earliserve Bush
Phaseolus Vulgaris
Bean Cherokee Wax
Phaseolus Vulgaris
Bean Pencil Pod Wax (Bush)
Phaseolus Vulgaris
Conoclinium Coelestinum
Pea Dwarf Grey Sugar
Pisum Sativum
Pea Wando
Pisum Sativum
Radish Champion
Raphanus Sativus
Radish Chinese Green Luobo
Raphanus Sativus
Radish Daikon Japanese Minowase
Raphanus Sativus
Radish Misato Rose
Raphanus Sativus
Scorzonera Duplex Russian Giant
Tagopogon Porrifolius
Soybean Shirofumi
Glycine Max
I put all the radish seeds in an empty spice container, and shoved all the beans and peas in my pockets, grabbed a yard rake, and went to work. Of course my 4.5 year old and 1.5 year old daughters were hot on my tail! I began by using the rake to break up the soil some, and break out clumps of grass. As I was working a classic Oklahoma summer thunderstorm started rolling in. The wind picked up, and was whipping the tree tops. One strong gust almost knocked over the toddler! My four year old was running around sprinkling radish seeds, and me and the toddler were rushing to poke all the beans and peas into the soil we could before the storm hit us, the toddler whispering "night-night" to each seed.
Just thought I'd share in case it gives anyone a chuckle! And of course any input or advice would be much appreciated.