I like the new version, especially all the "spinny" animations.
I did find a few typos, I tried using the feedback link on the Kickstarter page, but it would not allow me to post the following:
On the campaign tab, in the rewards sections:
-- Under 4 hours of content from the 177 hours PDC+ATC, the "O" is capitalized in the word "course" in the statement: Four hours of choice content from the 2017 Permaculture Design COurse and Appropriate Tech Course.
-- $5 Candy level section, missing closing quotes on: the full movie "Fire Science
-- $5 Candy level section, confusing wording in the statement: "Wood Burning Stoves 2.0" which is also the first of the of eight in "Better Wood Heat: DIY Rocket Mass Heaters".
-- $60 Plans level section, discrepancy in pledge level: the Rewards tab shows a $65 pledge level, but the campaign tab, rewards section lists a $60 level
-- $60 Plans level section, typo: "3d" should be "3D" in the statement 3d plans for all of the finished builds in this video
-- $2000 Executive Producer level section, potential wording error: "happen in really a big way!" may be more readable as happen in a really big way
I hope my 2 cents are helpful, which is how they were meant.