antonis kovitis

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since Apr 19, 2021
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Recent posts by antonis kovitis

Hi Natasha,

I am a man from Thessaloniki Greece. In the next months i am searching and also
planning to be a member or to a create an intentional community.
I am fan of collectivism, cooperativism, ecology, no state, no school, no stereotyps and rules.
Stay in touch! Your thoughts and your intentions are really inspired!
Keep going!
3 years ago

Lucia Zz wrote:Hello everyone! Happy to be in this community!
Me and my partner are looking forward to buy some land to build our own cob house.
We initially thought about Spain and the thought of it still very much lingers with us.
Although while browsing on the internet we met with sad stories about the possibility of getting your house demolished if you dont have the right permits and so on.
And these permits to build a cob house seem quite expensive and a bit hard to get.
Money wouldnt be much of a problem if we would find our dream spot in spain, if anyone of you has had any experiences with this and can help us find some legal advice regarding spain, i would be immensely grateful.
Also if anyone of you knows about laws and building codes for cob houses anywhere else in europe, would be really appreciated. We are also open to explore other options and countries.
Much love to you all, and thank you in advance.
Hi from Greece,

Here in Greece there are some people which built houses using cob. I think that there are some companies and some cooperatives. I will send you a link although perhaps there are also some of them.
As far as i know, because i would like to have a home here (perhaps in a intention or eco community) by cob that you have first to make a base and a basic construction with wood or steel or another statable material and then add the cob material, in order to get the licence. However you have to ask this to the state and to a engineer of the country that you intent to build. Ιn a few months i will know more things. If you want to ask or have a look, get to  Have a nice life!

3 years ago

Fenia Fotiou wrote:Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing great!

I am Fenia, a single mum of a wonderful 3-year-old toddler named Adam and together we will soon start an ecological permaculture farm in the Greek countryside. I am very much into a natural, toxic-free way of life, and I do my best to live as sustainably as possible. I love creating all kinds of stuff, from egg tempera paintings to micro-macrame and crochet crafts to my very own illustrated children's book. I find permaculture to be very clever and it's just my dream to create a balanced productive ecosystem (paradise). I hope we can support each other and learn from each other! I am glad to be here!

Much love,


Hi Fenia,

I am Antonis from Thessaloniki, trying to be and live like a human.  Very inspired all the things that you have write. Its very good to make such great things by your hand. Due to corona virus, having to much time to think, i decide finally to be a part or to create a new intentional community in Greece, which it would like to have collectivist, cooperative,ecological, spiritual, and social concerns. It is to good to hear that people from my country but also from all around the world are or willing to be members of such communities!
3 years ago