I'm pondering a greenhouse.
We have Columbia Ground Squirrels that tunnel EVERYWHERE. I've even had them partially fill a hole I had dug for a footing... They're only active for a few months but those are the growing months. May set up some hawking perches to see if that will reduce the numbers.
Deer seem to eat anything they can reach. The Bears are attracted to anything remotely edible. I haven't had much of an issue but a neighbor and my Sister's places have both been looted. A couple of Bear tags solved those problems at least temporarily. We also have free range cattle about. They a mighty destructive when they come through. No bird issues yet. Turkeys come around but haven't noticed any harm done by them. Our cat Finneas eats about 3 a month on our place.
He'll take a deer or two a year too. Biggest Bobcat I've ever seen. Seems comfortable around the cabin until I go outside. The previous owners lost a Colt to a cat. We appear to have a lot on the menu for them on our place.
The Moose mainly work on the Red Birch on our place. Love those critters.
This year the Bear was mainly interested in the grubs in rotting stumps on my place.