Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Jessie Hoffmeier

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since May 03, 2021
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I'm looking for land too, for me I went about narrowing down where I want to move by climate/latitude i currently live at about 40 degrees north and wanted a similar or cooler clime. so that cut off about half of the US

Then I looked at each state for the features I want. I want hilly land with mineral rights and preferably water and no massive electrical lines. that got rid of another chunk

Then I looked at the culture, crime, political leaning, taxes, laws  and cost of living to see if they agreed with my preferences, narrowed it down to just a few states. New York would be great except the tax burden is outrageous as well as a bunch of their regulations.

Next I compared the few states I narrowed it down too for climate, natural disasters, and wildlife. Dug deeper into culture etc from above.

Which landed me on West Virginia, the upper 2/3rds of the state to be specific. It's below the latitude I set my parameters at but it's a much higher elevation so cooler. Has similar wildlife to what I have where I currently am so the transition shouldn't be too hard and the growing season is almost identical another plus.

The search took me a couple years of refining and exploring. I am willing to give up most of my wants if the land is in a good location and has a south facing hill I can build on. Now it's just watching listings for good fits while I save money and make plans.
I don't have the land to raise cows yet but I really want to. In the mean time I spend my time learning so when I have the land I am prepared. Welcome looking forward to learning from you.
3 years ago
-- Kofta kebab

1 lb lean ground beef
-1/3 cup finely chopped Fresh Mint
1/4 cup very finely chopped red onion
-2 cloves garlic, minced
-1/2 tsp ground cumin
-1/2 tsp each salt and pepper

grind onion, either in food processor or by grating on fine side of box grater (you want a paste and the juice)
add rest of spices, mix with beef until well mixed, this will be a very soft mixture because of the onion juice

To grill
form logs of the mixture onto flat skewers or double bamboo skewers
To pan fry  form into patties or logs

serve with pita or any flat bread (i like to grill flour tortillas until they're puffy and use them)

-- Mojito: muddle mint with lime 1 tablespoon Sugar (or to taste)
add 1 ounce light rum and top with club soda
serve over ice

-- Virgin Mojito: muddle mint with lime 1 tablespoon Sugar (or to taste)
add half green tea and half club soda or seltzer
serve over ice

-- Mint simple syrup:
bring equal parts sugar and water to a boil, once sugar is dissolved remove from heat. add a couple sprigs of mint and let steep until cool, strain out mint, excellent in drinks, desserts (pour over shaved ice) and in fruit salad especially watermelon

mint is great with pungent flavors like feta and mutton and also good with bright/tart refreshing flavors like citrus and berries
and lastly you can always dry mint to make tea with
3 years ago