Born and raised in the beautiful PNW with a strong connection to water and nature. I have 5 amazing children (all far from being anything alike which keeps things exciting) and now, a Nana to 4 strappin grandsons. I dream of living off grid every day for the last 20 years but yet... here I am still here in a rental blowing money on a place I can't call home. I've set a 5 year plan in action, find a remote job, pay off debt, stuff the mattress and find land! My dream is of 2 parts or all in the same; find like-minded people who are willing to take over a ghost town and fix it to a healthy habital and factual homestead. Or, find a large spot off a river where I can build shanties with earth friendly reclaimed material for friends, family and myself of course to get away. I would never leave however