Katie Turner

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since Jun 07, 2021
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Recent posts by Katie Turner

Hello, this is an update to a previous post, my name is Katie, I am a 27 year old, white woman, 5"4 and average body type. I'm posting on here because I'm hopeful to find a like-minded man,that is someone who is more independently minded, self reliant, and someone who hopefully would like to have a little homestead, a stay at home wife and ten children 😄 Seriously though, I don't agree with the use of contraceptives, I've never used any and I don't intend to when and if I marry. I think children are a blessing from The Lord and I won't use any unnatural means to prevent them. I'm looking for someone in the age range of 26-37 or thereabouts. If you're over 40 I don't think it will work out. I love the outdoors,animals, music and conspiracy theories 😄 I know it's pretty unusual,but I don't attend church currently, I don't really feel like 501C3 organizations are for me,and I'm much more drawn to youtube communities of Christians who are asking questions that most churches just don't. Please reach out if any of this has piqued your interest:) PS: If you're in a polygamous relationship or are planning on being in one I'm not for you. PS PS: The baby in the picture is my niece:)
3 months ago
Hey Chris, you mentioned that you're open to relocating, don't know if you'd be interested in talking with someone across the states from you,but hey,thought I'd reach out anyway:)
Hello,I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet but informative. I'm a 26 year old Christian woman hoping to marry and homestead with a Christian man who puts The Lord first in his life. I'm very traditional and hold to Biblical gender roles; ie the man is head and provider of his family and the woman is helpmeet to the man and caretaker of the house and children. I believe in staying pure until marriage. I don't believe in vaccinating any children I might be blessed with. I would homeschool our children as well since I don't trust pretty much any government institution,haha. I don't celebrate commercial holidays. I have a big family( six siblings) that I love and since most of my family are in Oregon I don't see myself moving out of state unless it's within a day's travel, such as Washington. I'm about 5"3, average weight with brown hair and hazel eyes. If you want to know more about me and share similar values please reach out:) I've included a picture of myself and the baby is my niece.
I would be interested in this. Meetups would be a great idea I think. How do we make something like this happen?
Hi everyone,my name is Katie:) I like this idea for low-key communication with like-minded people. I'm 24,and I live in Oregon. As a very traditional Christian woman, oregon is getting less appealing day by day,although the geography is almost unbeatable. I currently work in retail at a western wear store. I don't own any land or have any experience with growing anything really,but I'm working towards that. My current goal in life is to find a like-minded Christian man to marry and homestead with,haha,but we'll see what God has planned for me. I am on this site to learn what I can about this lifestyle
2 years ago
Thanks for your thoughtful response, honestly the idea I'm getting is that it's not economic,but the extra expense is worth the better quality and health overall. Does that sound accurate?
3 years ago
Haha,yes,I've watched my grandmother's chickens and they're just a joy to watch:) I guess that the quality of the eggs is worth the extra expense, and of course the chickens themselves
3 years ago
Just curious, does keeping chickens actually save you money? Or do you just break even? I've heard someone make the argument that you are actually losing money,because it will always be cheaper to buy eggs in store,and the money it costs to keep them fed and such is more than the money you're saving on raising your own meat and eggs.
3 years ago