Susan Raby

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since Jun 13, 2021
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Recent posts by Susan Raby

I know a really good couple in Missoula, MT that might be interested in helping. They have their own apartment but might come in days off and help to learn about it. Are you interested in that type of situation to teach others in exchange for work?
3 years ago
Need something in Denver area, can be outside of metro, if you are interested in buying land out there, I'm attractive, hardworking, easy to get along with etc and have studied homesteading for years
3 years ago
I'm moving to Denver area but have no chance of buying land due to bad Ex, but if you want to buy some land up there and start a Homestead...I'm attractive, hard-working, etc
3 years ago
Thanks, that sounds so good but looks like I'm supposed to be here and keep making movies because it keeps opening up to work on films now that covid is over
3 years ago
This is a great site to learn everything you want to know and more, just getting on the newsletter teaches me amazing things every week. You can also go to Wheaton Labs for awhile in Montana to train...or other places closer if they need help. If you come through S. Atlanta, let me know, we can have coffee.
3 years ago
Hello, I'm Susan, wondering if you have found a Partner yet. I came to Atlanta for a temporary project in Media, which I"m still doing online, but now that I've got it set up, can move anywhere. I do not like this area because I miss the mountains and the waters. I write, film, and am highly creative - so can turn any place into not only a beautiful home but   a lovely area outside too, thousands of ideas. I've been studying homesteading my whole life and did it in part until my ex's double -life blew it all up - however I am ready to start again... so anyway, tell me about yourself also.
3 years ago